Well this has been the first week in C
osta Rica. I have no idea what any one is saying. So this week we taught this family and they are both married to somebody else. I guess it is really hard to get divorced here so nobody does. It sucks cause they can´t get baptized until they get divorced and married again, which takes like a year. I have not ate meat yet! it sucks! Every morning I wake up and make pancakes cause I havn´t been shopping yet and it is the only thing there. I study for 4 hours, it is a long time. And then go eat lunch at Sister Mayra´s house. She is awesome and makes us lunch everyday. I guess lunch is the biggest meal of the day here.
So Costa Ricans are very very laid back (lazy) and do not like any one to tell them what to do. This makes missionary work very hard. So my p-days are on monday unless there is a meeting or something.
Here are some pictures. One is of when I was flying out of Atlanta and the others are of me and my companion. It was raining that day, I was very wet. So far it has only rained once which is good but the day it rained we were an hour and a half walk away from home, that sucked.

Yesterday was Sunday which means testimony meeting. It was rather slow so my companion says hey we are going and took off. So I ended up bariing my testimony. It was very short I said something like ¨good day I am grateful to be here. I know the church is true and throught it we can return to god. In the name of jesucristo amen". So the second I got done 16 people got up and bore there testimonies. I am pretty sure because the spirit is so strong with me, or because they new they could do better than me. Either way it was great.

Oh so the sun comes up at 4 and goes down at 5. This makes sleeping very hard because the sun just lights up my shack. Oh this week is mothers day which means I get to call home on Sunday. I will be calling at 6 here, so whatever it is there try to answer. Pease be there, unlikewhen I called from airport and no one answered. It is hot here.
love you all
I know I should probably not be laughing but that was kind of funny!