Friday, March 30, 2012

Walker's Week #57

So this week was changes and my companion had changes. My new companion is Elder Luna, he is from Oaxaca, Mexico. He has like three months in the mission or something like that, as in I'm his second companion. So this week we had a baptism which really is a miracle. His name is Bryan. His grandma is a recent convert and she pretty much like three weeks ago just started inviting every one she knows to church. So yeah that was awesome, hopefully she keeps on going. So I want to feel an earth quake, that would be super awesome. Oh so Ii am now senior companion, which I don´t really know what that means but I am. I guess it means I get to give the reports woot woot, love paper work. But oh well guess it was going to happen some time. But yeah right you all next time.

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