Monday, February 11, 2013

Walker's Week #95

So I guess I am going home a week early. They have a whole lot a missionaries coming in so they are changing the time in the mtc from 9 weeks to 6 weeks. So we had to change the day of our changes a week earlier and all of that means that I will not complete the two years. I will be home two days before. So christmas is coming up and I guess i can use skype but I´m not really sure how I am going to do that because the internet will probably not be open that day. So maybe i am just going to call. I´m trying to figure it out, but if not I´ll just call. So how are all you guys? Ss there a certain number I need to call or something like that or just the house? So one of the hermanas in my district had to go home early for medical problems. So that sucked alot. But there is another hermana in my district and she likes to think she knows everything and tell me that I´m wrong, and the best part is that we share a ward so I am always working with her, but oh well.

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